wtf? this sucks! i love Kendra...she must be stressed out like crazy over this. :-(
oh well, at least I have something to do tonight now. lol jk AND....WHY IS THIS IN THE RUGBY CATEGORY? hmmm, i was clearly not paying attention and too busy visualizing Kendra having sex...sorry
Un anno fa quasi uploadavo questa foto su Fotolog sfidando chiunque a indovinare tutte le copertine di questo mosaico. C'era un premio in ballo. Alla fine questa simpaticissima ragazza:
li indovinò quasi tutti e siccome abita un po' distante le inviai a casa un paccheto con un po' di cd, tra cui Grace di Jeff, la mia prima e consumatissima copia di quel capolavoro.
Oggi qui su flickr, sfido di nuovo tutti. Questi non sono per forza i miei quasi 100 cd preferiti. Anche perchè di ogni gruppo/artista ho messo al massimo una copertina. Però rappresentano bene i miei gusti. Chi li indovina tutti, questa volta, boh, lo porto fuori a cena!
Flickr later called the incident a "mistake" and apologized for it. Flickr also said that they would take steps to ensure that these kind of "mistakes" didn't happen in the future. The thread for this incident is now locked on Flickr.
The censorship thing with Flickr probably bugs me more than most because I was censored here myself and had dozens of comments deleted along with one of my images from my own photostream.
So it was with disappointment that I read today's headline over at about yet another case of Flickr censorship.
"Blogger, sex educator and web celeb Violet Blue has run afoul of the increasingly onerous content filtering system at photo-sharing site Flickr, having most of her photos removed from the site. Flickr (which is owned by Yahoo) recently started classifying user accounts depending on their content, ostensibly to make sure that any "dirty" pictures are behind walls where kids don't see them. Problem is, though, that none of Violet's photos displayed nudity; they were mostly things like vacation shots and pictures of her cat. A few non-nude pin-up photos may have tripped the automated system's prude sensors; as a result, her account was reclassified and most of her pictures were yanked."
Update #2: I'm not sure that Violet Blue's photostream could be characterized exactly as Forbes has published this report. Forbes reports that "none of Violet's photos displayed nudity," when at least one of her photos (pointed out to me by jakerome) would appear to be a public nipple shot that would not appear to have been self moderated. This case may be less a case of censorship and more a case of difference of opinion in what ought to be considered public and safe on Flickr.
Jerry Springer features Monessen man's raunchy encounter
John Bill's tale, which some people will find offensive because of sexual promiscuity and demeaning comments, landed him an appearance on the controversial but popular national television program.
Red Riding Hood, which premieres March 11, is hardly the first movie to transform a children's tale into a sexy adult story. From May-December romance in Labyrinth to Cinderella all grown up in Ever After to Red Riding Hood as a juvenile delinquent in Freeway, WATCH VIDEO of 11 fairy tale flicks for grownups.
Two men who were tricked into having unprotected sex with an HIV-positive man have told the South Australian Supreme Court they felt betrayed, embarrassed and depressed since.
Question by bramos100702: How many Barr bodies would you see in the nuclei of persons with the following sex chromosomes?
How many Barr bodies would you see in the nuclei of persons with the following sex chromosomes? a.XO none? b.XX 1? c.XY none? d.XXY 1? e.XXX 2? f.XXXXX
are the ones i did correct and what about f would there be 3 then?
Best answer:
Answer by emucompboy The rule is that "all but one X will be a Barr body." You have 'em all correct.
f. XXXXX means four Barr bodies. But I'm thinking that this combination ain't going to happen in nature, for two reasons: 1. Having that much cruft floating around in the nucleus would be deleterious. Probably lethal, considering a Barr body actually has areas that are expressed. 2. Can you imagine the parents this girl had? I mean c'mon, nondisjunction runs in the family but only for sex chromosomes?
Stop female foeticide and infanticide in India - Save India's girl child!!! There are 50 million girls and women missing from India's population. In the last 20 years about 10 million girls have been eliminated on the basis of their gender, through female foeticide and infanticide. The average ratio of women to men is 927 to 1000 based on the last census in 2001 and in some parts of North India it goes down to 845 women to a 1000 men. The district of Daman in Daman and Diu has the lowest sex ratio of 591 women to a 1000 men. The documentary film, 'Petals in the Dust', will explore the reasons behind this skewed sex ratio and it's possible consequences. Check the website for more information.
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